There was
so much information to take in on the film “Digital Nation” that I really did
not know where to begin. There were several things that caught my attention
while watching. The multi-tasking segment where they did test studies with MIT
students was very surprising. As a data entry clerk, I tend to do this myself while
at work. I usually have four to five different screens open on my computer, as
well as, answering phones, having students, teachers and/or parents coming into
my office, it makes me wonder if some of the tasks I am working on might be suffering
because they do not have my undivided attention. Another thing that really
caught my attention is the gaming sequence. Although I have not gone into an
online game with other players, I do consider myself to be an avid gamer,
especially quest type games. There have even been a few days that I have played
all day long trying to beat the game. The final area that I found really
fascinating dealt with education. Although I am not a teacher, I have worked in
the school system for 20 years, and I am working towards a degree in education.
I would like to learn more about the schools that are using technology as the
basis of their curriculum and how they compare to the standardized curriculum
that has been used for decades. This brings a question to mind, “Because the
state based testing has been changed from pencil and paper to computers, will
these schools have better testing results?”
I'm not sure if the schools will have better testing results because of going to computers for testing but I bet they will have faster results on knowing the grades through the computers. What you said about a schools using technology as a basis for their curriculum as a teacher I would also like to see if it is a positive effect verses negative.